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[MET·REF] meeting at Khiasma

29 September 2015
filed under: ressources

<span class='modes'>[<span class='smallcaps'><a href='' target='_blank'>MET·REF</a></span>]</span> @ Khiasma
Photo : Mélodie Blaison, Espace Khiasma.

Meeting with Bruno Latour, Didier Debaise and Alice Rivières on the crossing [MET·REF] at Khiasma, Les Lilas, France:

Enquête sur les modes d’existence – une anthropologie des modernes (Investigation of modes of existence—a modern anthropology), published in 2012 by Editions de la Découverte, is a work associated with a series of encounters, all aimed at learning how to compose the shared world with the actors concerned and implicated by it. The objective of this investigation is to provide a more precise definition for the experiences reunited under the vague umbrella expression “modernization.” A definition that would be more acceptable to the other civilizations which are also subjected to the same discovery: there is no Land where we can modernize in the “old way.” We must reconsider what we mean by this term by learning to inherit the project of modernization even as we recompose it.
Among the more than a dozen modes of existence referenced in this work, the Metamorphosis in particular resonates with the current fictional and existential questionings of Alice Rivières, in residence at Khiasma this year, who is trying to find a way to welcome with dignity the experience of metamorphosis to which her life as a Huntingtonian consecrates her. If there is metamorphosis, then what about the being who is associated with it? Is it possible to investigate this being, and if so, how?

Part of Alice Rivière’s writer’s residency at the Espace Khiasma, a program led by the ‘service livre’ of the Île-de-France region.

Please find below the audio record (in French):

External link

'Enquête sur les modes d’existence'. Khiasma. URL:

'Enquête sur les modes d’existence', R22 Tout-Monde, r22, 30 September 2015. URL:

Dingdingdong. URL :

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