The blog

Reset Modernity! Hashtags (Feel Free to Contribute!)

02 July 2016

[updated: link to the RM! live wall frequently updated and displayed within the exhibition space] Reset Modernity! is an extended, on-going, field experiment, composed of 6 procedures and many different kind of works (art works ...


Contribution: Recognizing the risk: how to navigate between [ATT] and [HAB]

16 June 2015
filed under: contributions

Here is a new contribution written by a new co-inquirer, Charlotte Cabasse: "Recognizing the risk: how to navigate between [ATT] and [HAB]" In a risk prone environment, the intersection between [att] and [hab] reveals an hybridization between implicit knowledge - ...


Four new contributions by the GECo

03 June 2015

Please find below the abstracts of the last four contributions (or 'grievances'/'doléances' in French) written by the GECo before the Diplomatic Writing Week, which took place July 2014 at the École des Mines in Paris: Without institutions, the ...


Two Contributions by François Cooren

01 June 2015

We are posting two contribution (or 'grievances'/'doléances' in French) written by François Cooren before the Diplomatic Writing Week, which took place July 2014 at the École des Mines in Paris: The Canonic Example of Peter and Paul ...


Contribution - The dangers of ‘arranging the modes’

13 May 2015

The dangers of ‘arranging the modes’, another contribution written collectively by the members of GECo (Isabelle Stengers, Didier Debaise, Aline Wiame et Nicolas Prignot), during the Diplomatic Writing Week, (July 2014, École des Mines in Paris), on Conclusion Part Two ...


Contribution : Mont Aiguille and Knowledge

30 April 2015

Today, we are posting another contribution (or 'grievances'/'doléances' in French) written collectively by the members of GECo (Isabelle Stengers, Didier Debaise, Aline Wiame et Nicolas Prignot), during the Diplomatic Writing Week, which took place July 2014 at the ...


There are Gods, even in political manoeuvres [MET·POL]

28 April 2015

Find below the beginning of the 'grievances' (or 'doléances'in French) composed during the Diplomatic Writing Week, which took place July 2014 at the École des Mines in Paris. Today, we are posting another one written collectively by the members ...


Avoiding the Cunning of Reason Trick and the temptation of a modern philosophical anthropology

22 April 2015

Still in the process of gradually publishing a number of the objections (or 'doléances'in French) composed during the Diplomatic Writing Week, which took place July 2014 at the École des Mines in Paris. Today, we are posting another one ...


The values attached to the modes of existence do not have a hegemonic tendency

21 April 2015

We are in the process of gradually publishing a number of the objections (or 'doléances'in French) composed during the Diplomatic Writing Week, which took place July 2014 at the École des Mines in Paris. Today, we are posting one ...
